Weekly Forecast!

JV Girls Basketball @ Wallace, 3/4 Game.
JV Boys game has been cancelled
Girls and Boys Varsity to follow
Dismissal Time: 1:45pm
Game Time: 4:00pm

Wrestling @ Southwest
Leave Time: 6:00 am
Start Time: 10:00 am

JV/ Girls and Boys Basketball @ Perkins County.
Dismissal Time: 2:30 pm
Start Time: 5:15 PM

FFA Lasagna Feed!

J/H Girls and Boys Basketball @ Home vs. Med Valley
Start Time: 1:00 PM
JV/V Girls and Boys Basketball @ Home vs. Arapahoe
Start Time: 4:30 PM

Maxwell Weekly Forecast!

Maxwell Vs Perkins County
Tuesday, January 31st.
Time: TBD

Varsity Basketball Vs Paxtons!
Game Time 4:15 pm.

Highway 30 is open! Be careful of continued construction.

Maxwell Science Teacher Awarded Applegate Grant
Joni Keith, 7-12 Science Teacher at Maxwell Public Schools was award the Applegate Grant.
The grant was valued at $2500.00 and helped purchase a 3-D Printer and materials for Ms.
Keith’s science classroom. Ms. Keith named her project 3D-2-life. Ms Keith stated, “Learning is
supposed to be fun and engaging for all and we need to continue those engaging learning
times into junior high school. This age student need to develop a passion and discovery of new
skills for future opportunities in tomorrow’s workforce.” Ms. Keith plans to add 3-D projects into
her Science Curriculum to support engagement, spark creativity, and inventive problem solving.
Ms. Keith said that this would not be possible without the John Russell Applegate Grant for
Teachers and wants to thank the Mid-Nebraska Community Foundation for selecting her for this
wonderful opportunity.

Weekly Forecast!

Snow Day! Wednesday January 18th 2023

Weekly Forecast!

Maxwell 2022-23 School Year Pictures!

Varsity Wrestling Maxwell @ Brady.
Start Time: 6:00 pm

Maxwell @ Maywood Hayes Center can will be streaming on Youtube.

Good Evening, This is Danny McMurtry with Maxwell Public Schools. This email is to make you aware of the expected closure of Highway 30 due to construction on the bridge. It is being advertised that they expect the closure to start this Thursday, January 12th and last through January 22nd. Travel will need to occur on the interstate. Thanks for your patience in dealing with this and have a great evening!

Kindergarten Registration.....

Weekly Forecast!