Oct 5 Girls Junior High Game vs Sutherland (Away) at 3:00 PM Sutherland High School
Oct 5 JH Football Game vs Sutherland (Away) at 4:00 PM Sutherland High School
Oct 5 JV Football Game vs Sutherland (Away) at 5:30 PM Sutherland High School
Oct 6 Varsity Volleyball Triangular vs Away vs. Multiple Schools (Away) at 6:00 PM Arnold High School
Oct 7 Late Start at 10:00 AM Buses will run accordingly
Oct 7 JH football game vs. Brady (Home) at 2:30 PM
Oct 8 Cross Country: Varsity RPAC Tournament/Meet vs Cambridge (Away) at 4:00 PM Cambridge High School
Oct 9 Varsity Football Game vs Hitchcock County High School (Home) at 7:00 PM
Oct 10 Varsity Volleyball Triangular vs Multiple Schools (Home) at 9:00 AM
Oct 10 Homecoming Dance grades 7-12th at 7:00 PM-10:00 PM
Important information regarding Parent Teacher Conferences:
Maxwell Athlete and Spirit Squad Virtual Jersey Auction:
Follow the link below and check the Sign-Up button next to the jersey you wish to purchase for $25. This will be a first come serve purchase auction. When you click Submit and Sign Up at the bottom of the page you will be taken to another page where you will enter the amount ($25) in the Comment box. You will also need to enter your name and cell phone number.
“Auction” will end Wednesday, October 7th at 3:00 PM. Winners will be notified via phone call or text message. Pickup and payment of the jerseys will be Thursday, October 8th. Directions will be provided at that time. Anticipated payment/pickup will take place Thursday afternoon/evening. Jerseys will be returned at the conclusion of Friday night's game or Tuesday October 13th to the school office.
Any questions can be directed to Dani Cumming at dcumming@maxwellschools.org
Please see the link for auction information, directions, and deadline.
🚨SCHEDULE ALERT🚨 The varsity football game against Cambridge on FRIDAY (10.2.20) has been CANCELLED. We will update the Wildcat Nation if a new opponent is added to our schedule. We will continue to press forward to offer our student-athletes the best experience possible! Can’t wait to get these boys back out there!! #WeAreMaxwell
2020 Homecoming themes-October 5-10
Monday is Country v. Country Club
(Western Day for Elementary)
Tuesday is Ages/Era Day
12th/11th/K-2 Senior Citizens
10th/9th/3-4 Middle Aged
8th/7th/5-6 Babies/Toddlers
Wednesday is Teachers v. Students Day
Thursday is Hawaiian/Tacky Tourist Day
Friday is SPIRIT Day
***All outfits must be school appropriate***
Flu shots will be available October 1, 2020
These are Fluzone, preservative free vaccines available for those 36 months and older.
Cost of the vaccine is $10 per shot. The vaccines are available to students, staff and their families.
Consent for vaccination can be printed off via the link provided below or at the school office. Please return payment with your forms to the school.
Any questions regarding the forms or vaccinations please contact Gina Sommers, Maxwell School Nurse
Thank you to the fans who purchased a mask at the football game. We ran out of the few I had on hand in the adult size. I do have a few kid size left on hand. We would like to get our large order in soon. If you are wanting a mask or gator please pick up a form at the office, or with a spirit squad member. We are asking you to pre-pay with your order. You may make checks to Maxwell Public School in the memo please write spirit team. We would like to get orders in by October 11th. Thank you for your support.
JH Football game for today has been cancelled. A reminder that picture retakes are tomorrow. Packets can be picked up in the front office.
Good afternoon,
This is Danny McMurtry with Maxwell Public Schools. This message is to update you to changes in our regulations. We have met with staff and students to discuss our current reality and determine what is best for us going forward. After having these conversations, we feel that there are changes that need to be made to our plan. With that said, we will be sticking to wearing our masks until October 30th. At that point in time, we will re-evaluate and make a decisions for the remainder of the semester. The state came out with new guidelines for quarantine. As long as we are all in masks, the only person who can get quarantined is someone who tests positive or someone who is showing symptoms. This decisions brings consistency for our students instead of possible wavering back and forth based upon the health dial of orange or yellow that could change week to week. It also provides the best chance for our students to remain in the classes. Protecting participation in activities was also a big talking point for our students.
Here were the major talking points that we had discussion around with our students
staying in school is important and we need to do everything we can to make that happen
Participating in activities is important and we want to protect that as much as possible
The dial could go right back to orange if there are more cases. The back and forth would be hard on students; especially the younger ones
Waiting till the end of October allows for us to determine if the dial is going to remain yellow or not
We are used to doing it at this point. Leaving the habit would make it really hard to go back to
Thanks for your understanding. If you do have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. Thanks and have a great weekend!
U.S. Bank Believers and Achievers!
Congratulations to: Kirby Corfield, Kaitlyn Miller, and Kaycee Boltz.
The 2020-2021 list of Local School Winners of the U.S. Bank Believers & Achievers award is available on the NSAA website at https://nsaahome.org/2020-21-us-bank-believers-achievers-l…/.
Stay tuned next week for the announcement of the 48 statewide winners of the U.S. Bank® Believers & Achievers award!
Reminder all home and away Covid-19 guidelines can be found on our website and app. They are updated daily for all MHS activities. Be sure to check it out if you are traveling to cheer on the Wildcats. FYI no fans are allowed at the Brady Volleyball tournament this Saturday. For live streaming info please see the link below. Good Luck Wildcats!
Sep 21 at 2:00 PM Volleyball JH: Girls Junior High vs. Sandhills Valley (Away)
Sep 21 at 3:00 PM Football: JH Game vs Sandhills Valley CO-OP (Away)
Sep 21 at 4:30 PM Football: JV Game vs Maywood-Hayes Center (Home)
Sep 23 at 10:00 AM Late Start- Buses will run accordingly
Sep 23 at 4:00 PM Volleyball JH: Girls Junior High vs. Adams Middle (Away)
Sep 24 at 4:00 PM Cross Country: Varsity Invitational vs Away vs. Multiple Schools (Away) West Wind Golf Club
Sep 24 at 5:00 PM Volleyball: Varsity Triangular vs Multiple Schools (Home)
Sep 25 at 7:30 PM Football: Varsity Game vs Dundy County Stratton (Home)
Sep 26 at 9:00 AM Volleyball: Varsity Tournament vs Away vs. Multiple Schools (Away) Brady High School FYI: No Fans are allowed at this tournament.
Homecoming dress code and dance information/clarification:
*We are still highly encouraging this to be an informal dress code. Jeans will be allowed at the dance(no holes, please.) Please do not go out and purchase an expensive dress! If the local DHM’s would change for the worse, there is the possibility that the dance could be called off.
*Only current Maxwell students grade 7th-12th grade are allowed to attend. This means no outside dates, those students who are homeschooling/remote learning courses or students who have graduated.
Detailed homecoming information can be found here:
ESU 16 Early Childhood has a new webpage up and running. Watch this short video to see how to access their webpage, learn more about us and great resources! Click here to watch! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2FNdGX4kQw&feature=youtu.be
Superintendent McMurtry announced today that the USDA issued COVID-19 funding.
Our school qualifies and this program will provide free breakfast and lunch for ALL K-12 students--effective immediately through December 31, 2020.
Our kitchen staff prepares great meals on a daily basis.
If you have a picky eater or a child that has never tried our hot lunch program, now is the time!
MHS has made it easier for all fans and coaches to find any home and away Covid 19 activity guidelines and procedures. It can be found on our website under the menu tab; documents or under the extra curricular tab on the left hand side of the website. These guidelines will be updated weekly. Good luck to all the student athletes this week! #WeAreMaxwell
Coming Soon: Maxwell Spirit Squad Masks and Gators Fundraiser. $12 a piece and the cheerleaders will have 48 (12 in each design and size) on hand to sell at our home games, tentatively Oct 1st. Check out the design and order form below. A second bulk order will be taken and the due date is TBA. Support our cheerleaders and Go Wildcats!!!!
MHS Weekly Activities
Sep 14 at 2:00 PM Volleyball: Girls Junior High vs. Mullen (Home)
Sep 14 at 3:00 PM Football: JH Game vs Mullen (Home)
Sep 14 at 7:00 PM Board Meeting
Sep 15 at 6:00 PM Volleyball: JV vs. Overton (Away) Overton High School
Sep 15 at 7:00 PM Volleyball: Varsity vs Overton (Away) Overton High School
Sep 17 at 4:30 PM Cross Country: Varsity Invitational vs Away vs. Multiple Schools (Away)
Arapahoe Municipal Golf Course
Sep 18 at 7:00 PMFootball: Varsity vs. Elwood/Eustis-Farnam Coop (Away) Eustis-Farnam Public School
Sep 19 TBD Volleyball: Varsity vs. North Platte Community College (Away)
North Platte Community College
Activities Week of September 7th:
Sep 8 Volleyball: Girls Junior High Game vs North Platte St. Pats (Home)at 2:00 PM
Sep 9 Late Start at 10:00 AM-Buses will run accordingly
Sep 9 Volleyball: Girls Junior High Game vs Brady (Away) at 2:00 PM Brady High School
Sep 10 Volleyball: JV Dual vs Maywood-Hayes Center (Home) at 5:00 PM Maxwell High School
Sep 11 1:00 PM Dismissal Buses will run accordingly
Sep 11 Football: Varsity Game vs Hemingford (Home) at 2:00 PM Maxwell High School
Sep 12 Volleyball: Varsity vs. Loomis (Away) at 9:00 AM Loomis Public Schools
Sep 12 Cross Country: Varsity Invitational vs Broken Bow (Away) at 10:00 AMBroken Bow Country Club
Covid Guidelines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pBeBw0apnF95YUDin-PKZ1GRaXflrS5vc8Z7NsGHQGo/edit
Mask are required to be worn at all Maxwell Indoor Activities
Parents, please complete the survey that is linked to this QR code or URL. The survey will help us understand the components of learning during the Covid-19 closure last Spring. We value your input and will use the information to help guide us in education and with any future Covid-19 concerns. Thank you.
URL: https://tinyurl.com/yy9bcfp7