Each year on September 28 strawberry lovers get to enjoy their favorite fruit in the form of pie on National Strawberry Cream Pie Day.
Even though strawberries are out of season, the grocers always make sure to stock up on frozen and canned so we can make pies. How else do we keep making fruit pies all year long? Those of us who planned ahead preserved strawberries just for this occasion. And of course, some fresh ones are still available here and there.
Strawberry cream pie can be made in many different ways. Some recipes use a custard or pudding base with strawberries either folded in or on top. Others are made with cream cheese or whipped cream. Whichever you prefer, the strawberry cream pie is a delicious treat.

The act of forgiveness is powerful. But, granting forgiveness is more than an act – it’s a process. Forgiveness teaches us about ourselves as much as it teaches us about others. Whether a person suffers from mental or emotional pain, grief, or trauma, forgiveness can set us on a path of healing. Forgiveness can also develop into a practice that teaches us to value compassion, kindness, and love.
Forgiveness doesn’t always happen in an instant, either, though it can. A single verbal statement doesn’t complete the process. However, over time and with willingness and some practice, we can let go of our anger, bitterness, and resentment. Forgiveness is a decision.
While granting forgiveness may be challenging, it comes with a wealth of benefits. During the process, we may discover the person we need to forgive most is ourselves. Self-forgiveness is another healthy tool to learn. Thus, National Day of Forgiveness also offers an opportunity to understand the benefits of forgiveness.
Forgiveness relieves stress. The stress we feel from anger, resentment, and bitterness lessens and even fades entirely. The burden of these feelings creates anxiety and stress that we no longer have to carry when we forgive.
The act of forgiveness helps us to close a wound. When we forgive, we give ourselves permission to heal. There is freedom in healing.
When we forgive, we also give ourselves permission to stop living in the past. We focus less on the damaging feelings and begin to look forward to the future. When we detach from the heaviness, anger, pain, and resentment, we no longer allow the past to control us.
Forgiveness also benefits our physical health. Reduced anxiety and stress mean lower blood pressure, a stronger heart, and an improved immune system. It may also help reduce physical pain.
Reflecting on our ability to forgive ourselves leads to an ability to cope with difficult and traumatic situations. As a result, we reap the benefits of mental and emotional wellbeing.

School pictures will be delivered to classrooms on an “as produced” basis this year! This means that all pictures WILL NOT be coming home at the same time. Jessica Braithwait Photography has delivered K through eleventh grade pictures all on the same day in previous years, but this WILL NOT be the case this year. As soon as your child’s pictures are edited, ordered, and packaged, they will be delivered to their teacher/classroom and sent home. So, if you have children in multiple grades, they will not be bringing their pictures home at the same time. Pictures will be delivered between the dates of October 3-31. As always, THANK YOU Maxwell Schools for your continued support of Jessica Braithwait Photography! Any questions – please call or text 308-279-2176 or jess_braithwait@hotmail.com.--

Tickets for XC at UNK on 9/26 Can now be purchased online before the event.
Click the link below to get you ticket TODAY.

Innergize Day on the day after the Autumnal Equinox offers an opportunity to relax and rejuvenate. This is a day for you!
Since fall has officially arrived, it’s time to shift gears. The fast pace of summer activities passes by now. Languid autumn days provide tranquil sunsets and peaceful moments. These are the times to focus on your personal well-being. Do things you enjoy that make you feel good about yourself. Let stress and worry fade away for the day.
The day is an excellent time to look inward. Whether you rejuvenate your spiritual connections or develop mindfulness, refocusing your energy can have huge benefits. After trying to cram every activity into a few short months, we sometimes lose focus. Fall allows us to take a deep breath and be more mindful of our bodies, spirits, and the world around us.

The Autumnal Equinox in September ushers in a change of season. It is observed annually when the sun can be seen directly overhead along the equator. The day marks the end of summer and beginning of fall in the Northern Hemisphere.
The autumn equinox is one of two days when all points on Earth except the polar regions see the sunrise and set at due east and due west. With few exceptions, all latitudes see almost precisely 12 hours of daylight and 12 of darkness.
While the United States marks the official end of summer at Labor Day, the seasons mark time differently. Depending on where we live, the trees and animals behave differently based on the amount of sunlight they receive. By the time the equinox arrives in September, the leaves in many parts of the country have already begun to change. The air at night is crisper.
People’s minds begin to think about warmer clothes and preparing their homes for winter. Since children are already in school, most summer activities have ended. In the fields, farmers eagerly watch for the opportune time to harvest. Apples, pumpkins, and root vegetables ripen in the orchards and gardens. On cool evenings, long walks along the trails under the canopies of gold, umber, violet and crimson keep us warm.

On September 21st, the aroma filling the room comes from ancient spices, perfectly steeped into a cup of delicious tea. National Chai Day celebrates the strong, satisfying tea that is ordered at cafes across the country.
While the Indian beverage dates back nearly 5,000 years, the chai served in homes and coffee shops today comes in many forms. For traditional chai, steep it with black tea leaves. Add whole milk for the richest flavor. Some even prefer almond or coconut milk. The most common spice in chai is cardamom. Though blends will vary from place to place, other spices include cinnamon, nutmeg, pepper, and fennel. Finally, sweeten the tea with pure sugar.

Maxwell School district residents:
Did you get your pink card in the mail? And were the taxes astronomically high? We apologize. Those are far from accurate. The 3rd party company that Lincoln County hired to do the calculations made a big error and sent out numbers . Click this link to read more about it.
Danny McMurtry
Superintendent, Maxwell Public Schools

Maxwell Football & Volleyball Sports photos follow the link below:

Talk Like a Pirate Day sails away annually on September 19th.
All you bilge rats, Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgh! As you are out and about on September 19th, don’t be surprised if people are saying, “Ahoy Matie,” “Avast,” “Aye, Aye Capt’n,” “Land ho!” “Hornpipe,” and many other pirate-like phrases, because it’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day.
While ordering your coffee in the drive-thru, ask if they have change for gold bullion. Try testing your pirate language out at the library when asking for the location of Moby Dick. The pirate language always fairs well in rough seas. Settle a debate with “I’m right or I’ll walk the plank!”
When the boss gives you a new project, “Aye, aye, Capt’n,” is the correct response. However, beware calling the boss any frothy names. The goal of the day is not to lose your job.

Maxwell Varsity Football Game Tonight- Check out our website for more information. https://www.maxwellschools.org

SEPTEMBER 15 On September 15th, National Online Learning Day recognizes the advantages and vast potential of online learning. It also honors the accomplishments of online students everywhere. #OnlineLearningDay Whether you’ve ever taken an online course, used educational resources at a traditional brick and mortar school, or taught them, this day is for you! The day showcases online learning helping people accomplish their goals and dreams. It helps check things off their bucket list! Not only that, but online learning offers valuable resources to parents, too. The ability to check in with teachers and assist their child remotely heightens the educational experience. Alexandra is excelling at school and her self-esteem is sky high. She believes in herself as a student and can be herself. We also love online learning for the rigorous curriculum and we know that Alexandra will be prepared for her future and career. ~ Emerald Zeitz – parent of an online student Evolving online technology makes education more manageable and convenient. Every day, students earn high school diplomas, certificates, college degrees, and credits online. Online Learning Day brings national recognition to these students. And online schooling continues to grow and provide new resources and support to students.

Friends, fresh air, and good food are the focus of National Eat Outside Day every year on August 31. Whether at home, a park, a favorite restaurant or food truck, or the beach, food just tastes better when we eat it under the open sky.
Many foods lend themselves to eating outdoors but sometimes it’s as simple as taking your prepared plate out to the balcony, porch, or patio. Also known as al fresco dining, many restaurants offer patio seating so their patrons can enjoy their meals while taking in the city, beach, countryside or just people watch. Even more temperate climates offer seasonal outdoor dining.
Eat Outside Day encourages you to taste the sunshine (or the moonlight) while eating your meal. It’s like a mini stay-cation where you get to recharge while enjoying a delicious feast outdoors.

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On August 30th, National Toasted Marshmallow Day celebrates one of America’s favorite fire-roasted treats. Be sure to stock up on marshmallows so you can celebrate!
Get your friends together and gather up some firewood. Grab a few long sticks and a bag of marshmallows. Then, make plans for a great night! Toasted marshmallows are a special part of summer evenings around a bonfire. Also, what better way to kick off a long weekend than to enjoy a delicious, warm, gooey, toasted marshmallow? Add a pair of graham crackers and a chocolate bar – and ask for s’more!
When is National Rocky Road Day?
Depending upon personal preference, heat marshmallows to various degrees. Some like them gently toasted. Others look for a charred outer layer. Charring a marshmallow is simple. Hold it in the flame until the sugar catches fire. Then, carefully blow it out. It’s important not to wave it around as you’ll only fan the flames. Marshmallows also come in a variety of flavors and sizes for maximum toasting opportunities. For a fun alternative, try roasting Marshmallow Peeps. Watch them closely as the granular sugar coating will burn more quickly.
Believe it or not, marshmallows date back to Ancient Egypt. The mallow plant provided a sap the Egyptians used to create a candy with nuts and honey.
Ligonier, Indiana holds an annual Marshmallow Festival. It is also the marshmallow capital of the world. How sweet is that?

Get your chopsticks ready! National Chop Suey Day recognizes this American Chinese culinary cuisine each year on August 29.
Chop suey, which means assorted pieces, is a dish in American Chinese cuisine. The main ingredients include meat (chicken, fish, beef, prawns or pork) and eggs. As the meat cooks over high heat, add vegetables (usually bean sprouts, cabbage, and celery). The dish is bound in a starch-thickened sauce. Typically, rice accompanies the flavorful dish, too.

Wed August 24, 2022.
Maxwell Schools will have a late start day of 10:00am
Bus will run accordingly
Thank you!

Enjoy the last days of summer and the warm breezes on August 23rd as you celebrate the annual National Ride the Wind Day.
National Ride the Wind Day commemorates the anniversary of the first human-powered flight to win the Kremer prize. On August 23rd of 1977, the Gossamer Condor flew the first figure-eight course specified by the Royal Aeronautical Society at Minter Field in Shafter, California. Slowly cruising at only 11 mph, it traveled a distance of 2,172 meters.
Take to the air! We all know that cooler air is right around the corner. So take advantage of these nice days and get outside as much as possible. Test out those human-powered aircraft and make some history. Summer breezes allow us to fly human-powered. In the event you lack a human-powered aircraft, flying a kite is always a good back plan.

This childhood favorite evolved with a group of healthcare fairies during the mid-1920s. From bath fairies to Fairy Wand Tooth Whitener, they encouraged kids through a wave of advertisements and health classes. These ads and classes spoke to children about eating their veggies, brushing their teeth, and getting fresh air.
In 1927, Esther Watkins Arnold brought the tooth fairy to life in an eight-page playlet. She named the playlet The Tooth Fairy. At the same time, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle published photographs of two girls surrounded by “verified” fairies. He claimed that fairies and gnomes existed and the pictures supplied the photographic evidence.The following year, Arnold’s play began performing. Childen, primed with vivid imaginations, placed their freshly lost teeth under their pillows at night. The anticipation of a visit from the tooth fairy lives on today.

Ah, spuds. On August 19th each year, the humble potato takes center stage. In truth, though, doesn’t it steal the show at nearly every meal?
Whether baked, fried or mashed, these taters bring on the flavor. They are a staple of many meals, too. Filling a void for appetizer dishes and working double duty at suppertime, these versatile root veggies satisfy and fill us up.
According to the International Potato Center, more than 4,000 varieties of potatoes grow around the world. Not only that, but they also come in a variety of beautiful colors and sizes. This starchy carbohydrate comes with no fat or cholesterol and is loaded with Vitamin C and potassium. Depending on your dietary needs and how you prepare your potatoes, this vegetable offers what many are looking for. However, with 26 grams of carbohydrates, it’s a no-no in a low-carb lifestyle.
When it comes to the health specs of a potato, we tend to tank the benefits when we prepare them. We fry them and load them with toppings like cheese, sour cream, and butter. Who doesn’t love a loaded baked potato? Ok, ok. You can all put your hands down, now.